Bible Study
List of types of faith of a believer in Jesus Christ

Faith is a fundamental aspect of Christianity, and it is a concept that can be difficult to grasp for believers and non-believers alike. Some might see faith as trust in God, while others might see it as an unwavering belief in Jesus Christ. Regardless of how one defines faith, it is an essential ingredient for any Christian who desires to walk closer to God. As a believer in Jesus Christ, understanding the different types of faith that exist can help to strengthen one’s belief system and foster a more profound connection with God. Therefore, we have compiled a comprehensive list of types of faith that a believer in Jesus Christ may encounter in their journey of faith. From saving faith to living faith, from childlike faith to bold faith, this blog will explore each type of faith and provide insight into how to develop and strengthen them. By the end of this blog, you will have a clearer understanding of the different types of faith that exist and how they can help you deepen your connection with God’s help, a believer in Jesus Christ can grow in faith and develop their relationship with the Lord. A person’s faith can be expressed in many different ways. Some may choose to attend church regularly, pray daily, or read the Bible. Others may choose to serve in ministry or volunteer in their local community. There are many different types of faith that a believer can choose from, such as traditional Christian faith, Charismatic faith, Pentecostal faith, Evangelical faith, and Reformed theology. Each type of faith has its own unique set of beliefs and practices that are based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ. No matter what type of faith a believer chooses, it is important to remember that faith is not simply a mental assent to facts, but a living faith which is expressed in action and obedience to the moral and ethical principles of Jesus Christ. This living faith has several aspects. It includes trust in God’s promises, such as the assurance of eternal life; it involves trusting in Jesus Christ as one’s personal Savior and Lord; it involves relying on the Holy Spirit to guide and empower the believer’s life and ministry; it also involves living out a lifestyle of holiness and purity, seeking to obey God in all things. The faith of a believer in Jesus Christ is not just a passive intellectual acceptance, but an active faith which is expressed in obedience to the teachings of Jesus. Furthermore, this faith includes a commitment to share the gospel with others and to serve God with all their heart. The Bible calls a believer’s faith a “living faith” (James 2:17). It is an active faith that is filled with love and service to God and others. It is often expressed in the form of prayer, Bible study, and ministry. It is a faith that is tested and refined through trials and tribulations. It is a faith that is proven through a life of obedience to the Word of God. It is a faith that is rooted in the love of God and a desire to obey His commands. It is a faith that knows no bounds and leads to an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a faith that is built on a foundation of trust and hope in the Lord. It is a faith that is based in the belief that Jesus is the son of God, and that we can only be saved through his atoning work on the cross. It is also a faith that is rooted in the Bible and its teachings. As a believer in Jesus, it is important to have a solid understanding of the Bible and its teachings. This will help to build a strong foundation of faith and help believers to be equipped to face the challenges of life. Faith in Jesus Christ is not something that can be easily explained or understood but it is something that must be experienced and lived out in order to truly understand it.
1. Saving Faith: Believing in Jesus Christ as Savior
Saving faith is a vital component of the Christian faith, and it is the foundation upon which all other aspects of faith are built. It involves a personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and an understanding of the redemptive work He accomplished on the cross. Saving faith means believing that Jesus’ death and resurrection were sufficient to atone for our sins and that salvation can only be obtained through faith in Him. This type of faith involves trusting in Christ alone for eternal life, recognizing that our own works or good deeds are insufficient to earn us a place in heaven. In summary, saving faith is a fundamental belief in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
2. Manifesting Faith: Faith that produces works
The second type of faith that a believer in Jesus Christ can manifest is known as “Manifesting Faith: Faith that produces works.” This type of faith is characterized by a steadfast belief in the promises of God and a willingness to put that belief into action through tangible works of service and obedience. This type of faith is frequently referenced in the Bible, with James 2:17 explaining that “faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” Believers who practice Manifesting Faith understand that true and lasting faith is more than just a mental assent to certain theological concepts, but it is a dynamic and active force that motivates them to serve and love others in practical ways. Through works of service and obedience, believers demonstrate their faith in tangible, meaningful ways that glorify God and edify the community.
3. Conviction Faith: Believing in a certain truth
Conviction faith is a type of faith that revolves around having complete trust and belief in a certain truth. This faith type is characterized by a strong and unwavering belief system that is rooted in a deep understanding and conviction of a set of principles. In the context of believers in Jesus Christ, conviction faith can be exemplified by having an unwavering belief in the gospel message and the teachings of Jesus Christ. This means that a person with conviction faith not only acknowledges the truth of these teachings but also lives their life according to them. Conviction faith allows individuals to stand firm in their belief despite challenges and obstacles, and is an important aspect of faith for many believers in Jesus Christ.
4. Miraculous Faith: Believing a miracle will happen
In the list of types of faith of a believer in Jesus Christ, one type that stands out is Miraculous Faith. This faith is characterized by a strong belief that miracles can happen. Miraculous Faith is a deep-rooted trust that God can and will perform supernatural wonders that defy explanation. Those who possess this kind of faith trust that God is capable of intervening in our lives in miraculous ways, such as healing incurable diseases, providing financial blessings, and bringing resolution to impossible situations. Believers with Miraculous Faith remain steadfast in the face of adversities because they have hope that God will intervene in their lives in ways that go beyond human comprehension. This kind of faith requires a genuine trust in God’s sovereignty and a willingness to accept His will for our lives, whether or not a miracle manifests exactly how we anticipated.
5. Convincing Faith: Belief that God will respond
This type of faith involves a deep and unwavering belief that God will respond to the believer’s prayers. It is based on the idea that God is faithful and can be trusted to fulfill his promises. A believer with Convincing Faith does not doubt the power and goodness of God, even when faced with challenges and setbacks. Instead, they have a complete trust and confidence in God’s ability to provide, protect, and guide them. This type of faith is characterized by a strong sense of peace, hope, and joy, as the believer rests in the assurance that God is in control and working all things together for their good. Believers with Convincing Faith may pray fervently and persistently, trusting that God will answer their prayers according to his perfect will and timing.
6. Petitionary Faith: Asking God for something
Petitionary faith is one of the types of faith that a believer in Jesus Christ may possess. It involves a humble and persistent asking of God for something that is desired or needed, whether it be for oneself or for others. Petitionary faith is rooted in the understanding that God is a loving Father who desires to give good gifts to His children, but also acknowledges that God’s will may differ from our own desires. In practicing petitionary faith, believers come to God with faith and trust that He will respond in His perfect timing and wisdom. This type of faith is demonstrated throughout the Bible, with numerous examples of individuals who fervently petitioned God for their needs and received answers to their prayers.
7. Justifying Faith: Believing in God’s grace
This faith involves believing in God’s grace and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the means of being saved from sin and reconciled to God. This faith is based on the understanding that no one is righteous enough to earn salvation through their own efforts, and that it is only through faith in Jesus Christ that one can be made righteous in the eyes of God. Justifying faith also involves repentance of sin and a commitment to living a life that reflects the grace and love of God. This type of faith is a foundational belief for Christians, as it sets the framework for their relationship with God and the way they live their lives.
8. Protective Faith: Trusting in the Lord for protection
Protective faith is one of the fundamental types of faith that a believer in Jesus Christ can possess. At its core, protective faith involves trusting in the Lord for protection from harm, danger, or fear. This type of faith requires a firm belief in God’s power to shield and defend his followers from harm, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. Protective faith allows individuals to face challenging situations with courage and confidence, knowing that they are not alone and that the Lord is watching over them. Additionally, this type of faith can foster a sense of peace and security, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Protective faith is an essential part of the Christian walk, providing believers with the assurance that they are safe and secure in the hands of their Lord and Savior.
9. Discernment Faith: Seeking God’s will in decisions
Discernment faith is often referred to as the “wisdom” faith and is an important type of faith for believers in Jesus Christ. This faith involves seeking God’s guidance and direction in all decisions, large and small. It requires a deep understanding of God’s word and a willingness to listen to His voice through prayer and meditation. Discernment faith involves a strong sense of discernment, or the ability to distinguish between God’s will and the will of the world. This type of faith is critical in helping believers make wise decisions and avoid making choices that could lead them away from God’s plan for their life. Those who possess discernment faith often have a profound sense of peace and clarity when making decisions, knowing that they are following God’s will for their life.
10. Confessing Faith: Confessing Jesus as Lord
Confessing faith is one of the types of faith that a believer in Jesus Christ should have. According to Christian beliefs, confessing Jesus as Lord is crucial to the acceptance of salvation. It involves the declaration and verbalization of Jesus’ lordship and authority in one’s life. It is a public act that demonstrates commitment and allegiance to Christ. Confessing faith is a spiritual practice that often involves prayer, reciting creeds or statements of faith, and engaging in fellowship with other believers. It is a reminder of the transformative power of faith and the hope of eternal life that it brings. Through confessing faith and accepting Jesus as Lord, believers can cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and connection with God.
In conclusion, belief in Jesus Christ can be expressed in a myriad of ways, as evidenced by the variety of expressions and practices within Christianity. Ultimately, it is a deeply personal and individual experience shaped by one’s cultural and societal context, as well as their own spiritual journey. While the different types of faith may differ in their emphasis or theological understanding, they each share a common focus on the transformative power of Christ’s message and the hope it offers for a better tomorrow. No matter what type of faith a believer embodies, the essential message of God’s love and grace remains at the core of their spiritual practice.