Memorial Day is a solemn and significant observance in the United States, dedicated to honoring and remembering those who have lost their lives while serving in...
The end of the world is coming, and it is coming fast. From natural disasters to the apocalypse, we need to be prepared for the worst....
The history of human rights abuse against African and black people in the United States is a shocking and disturbing one, marked by centuries of slavery,...
African mythology has played a significant role in shaping the world and influencing global elites across a range of fields, including science, religion, and technology.
Technology has brought numerous benefits and advancements to our daily lives, but it also has some potential dangers that need to be addressed. Some of the...
This is a thought-provoking topic that challenges the traditional belief that science and religion are incompatible. While many scientists may publicly shy away from discussing their...
slavery provided a steady source of cheap labor that allowed for the rapid expansion of American industry, particularly in the southern states.
Starting in the late 1600s, African Americans were brought to the Americas as enslaved workers, where they were forced to work long hours in agriculture, mining,...
While some argue that slavery reparations are long overdue and necessary to address the lingering effects of slavery, others argue that it would be difficult to...
The Jim Crow laws were a shocking and shameful period in American history, marked by widespread discrimination and segregation against black and African Americans.